Frequently Asked Questions for group bookings

Can one group booking be used by staff across different sites?

Yes, one group bookings can include staff from different sites e.g. a hospital, rehabilitation centre and
care home, indeed, this often works well to support good communication and joined
up patient care. The purchase order for any group booking, however, needs to come from
one purchaser and there should only be one point of contact.

How and when do staff access the CDoCTraining courses?

Once payment is received you’ll be sent coupons + an email explaining how staff
use these to enrol online.

Do we need to know names of staff to be trained in advance?

No, you decide who to offer places to. Some organisations offer places to all their
staff on a first-come first-served basis; others have a proactive strategy for assigning
places to identified members of the team.

Do the five courses have to be done in order?

Not necessarily, each course is designed to stand alone. However, we recommend
that everyone starts by looking at the first course, “Introducing PDoC”, as it sets key
groundwork, and even experienced staff have found it useful to engage with some
aspects of these learning materials.

Are there any prerequisites for doing a course?

No, there are no formal prerequisites, but, as recommended above “Introducing
PDoC” creates a good general grounding. Also the course on “Law, Ethics and Best
Interests” assumes a good understanding of PDoC care and communication with

What feedback is provided to organisations?

We can provide updates on the number of student enrolments, on request. A CPD
certificate is automatically generate for all staff on course completion which some organisations ask staff to send in to a key co-ordinator within the organisation.

How is payment made?

Organisations wishing to book courses should do so by email to: Please indicate which type of group booking you wish to purchase and an invoice will be sent to you.