Module 1: Introduction
1.1 Course welcome
Learning outcomes
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- list the core medical, nursing and therapeutic needs of PDoC patients
- identify the different professionals involved and describe some specialist interventions they can offer
- explain the nature of a ‘best interests’ decision
- list standardised tests used to assess levels of consciousness and recognise diverse ways in which these may be viewed by families
- outline the value of Multi-Disciplinary Team working, especially for PDoC patients, and reflect on the definition of ‘the Team’
- define your own role in the MDT and consider strategies for enhancing collaborative working among all those involved in supporting PDoC patients
- identify the key guidelines and evidence base for your practice.
This course will take between 4 to 7 hours (depending on whether you focus on the core learning, or take up additional CPD options)
Navigating the course
The course consists of a number of modules; these are listed in the course navigation bar (often displayed in the top right of your computer screen, or at the bottom of the unit if you are viewing this on a phone). Each module contains several short units of learning, bite-size chunks to allow for flexible study. Most units can be completed in under 20 minutes.

Action: Click on the module titles now to reveal the learning units and get an impression of the overall course contents.
You won’t be able to actually go to a unit until you’ve pressed the ‘Mark as Completed’ button on the preceding units. This is because the units are designed to be done in order, but if you want to jump around a bit you can always ‘cheat’ by marking units as completed before you’ve actually completed them!
Core and optional learning
You can work through the core course quite quickly if you opt to focus on the units most relevant to yourself (e.g. in the module on staff skills and roles). It’s up to you how much time you spend looking at the roles of colleagues.
There are also optional CPD exercises which you only do if you have time and these particularly interest you. These involve more in-depth engagement with Best interests decision-making (Unit 4.1); MDT working (Unit 5.2) and assessing patient’s consciousness (Unit 5.3).
Saving a copy of course materials
Some learners like to save a .pdf copy of the core materials, or even print out a hard copy. They use this for their CPD portfolio and to help them keep notes. It also gives them something they can refer back to after finishing the course. On most systems you can save a .pdf by opening the relevant learning unit, then selecting ‘print’ from your top toolbar on your computer, and opting for ‘save as .pdf’.
Continuing Professional Development
Throughout the course you’ll be invited to complete quizzes, make notes on particular questions and carry out some reflective exercises for your learning portfolio. Set yourself up now with a notebook or a folder on your computer to store reflections as you work through the materials.
The course also involves listening to short lectures and films clips, so you’ll need headphones if you’re planning on doing some units on public transport or in other shared space.
Assessment and certification
The course is designed so it can be completed with self-assessment via quizzes and self-reflection. A certificate of completion is generated automatically and can be downloaded for your CPD portfolio once you’ve ticked off all the units.
Your first task
Your very first task before you go any further is:
a) Bookmark cdoctraining.org.uk on your computer, and your phone too, so you can always find it.
b) Note whether you registered with us using your work or your home email.
c) Save the password you set up for your student account on your computer/phone or write it down or email yourself. If you’ve already forgotten your password then use the email address you registered with to try logging in and then go through the automatic lost password process.
Good, now that you have secured access – read on t
Now mark this unit as ‘complete’ by clicking the green button (bottom right). This will then allow you to move to the ‘Next Unit’ by clicking the purple button that appears at the bottom.
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Thanks for the class
Ready for this course to increase my knowledge in CDOC.